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Cooper and Jordan Church of England Voluntary Aided Endowed School

SEND Information





My name is Emma Riley. I am the SENDCo here at Cooper and Jordan School. A role I love! I have been a SENDCO for over 10 years and am very passionate about supporting children with Special, Educational Needs and their families,  ensuring that all children receive a high-quality and ambitious education regardless of their need or disability. I believe that it is vital that our pupils are equipped with the tools needed to become independent, inquisitive learners both in and out of the classroom.

I am available in school each day, contactable by phone on 01922 743765; via the contact form below or email eriley@cooperjordan.walsall.sch.uk. I believe that working together, with strong communication links, children can thrive, no matter their need, at Cooper and Jordan School. I am supported by an amazing team of adults who share my passion in minimising barriers to learning and helping children succeed,

In my spare time, I enjoy dog walking, attending Yoga and watching my children play sport.


 Click the links below to view key information about SEND.

SEND Policy

SEND Information Report

Walsall Local Offer


I am really fortunate to have an amazing team of staff who share my vision in supporting children with Special Educational Needs.



Mrs Farquhar – SEN Teaching Assistant

Mrs Payne - SEN Teaching Assistant

Mrs Etheridge - SEN Teaching Assistant

Mrs Murphy - SEN Teaching Assistant

Miss Instone - SEN Teaching Assistant

Miss Hannon - SEN Teaching Assistant

Mrs Garrard - SEN Teaching Assistant / ELSA Co-ordinator


Useful Links

Here are a list of useful websites and documents that you can use to help support you at home. 


Social, Emotional Mental Health

Young Minds

Managing Stress

ADHD Foundation

Anna Freud


Communication and Interaction ( Speech, Language and Communication)


Speech and Language UK (For Support with Speech and Language)


Online Safety for Children with SEND

Autism West Midlands

Autism Education Trust

Helping Hands - Parent Support where Autism is suspected or Diagnosed

Understanding Autistic Behaviour

Siblings & Autism

Autism and Sleep




Movement Matters

Sensory Play Walsall


Cognition and Learning

Dyscalculia Association

British Dyslexia Association


Parent Support

Walsall Family Information Service


FACE Walsall Parent and Carer Forum

Online Safety for Children with SEND