Quick Links

Quick Links

Cooper and Jordan Church of England Voluntary Aided Endowed School

Local Support Services

Below are useful links that you can find details of different agencies that you can use to help and offer support if needed. Click on each of the pictures to be taken to the relevant website.


Early Help Team




School Nursing Service



School Nursing Service Contact


Single Point of Access Telephone:

01922 423349

Parent Text Line:

07520 634 909




Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub

0300 555 2866

MASH is the ‘front door’ for Children’s Social Care when there is a concern regarding a child who may have additional vulnerabilities including when the child is at risk of significant harm.




Walsall Bereavement Services

Swing offers support for bereaved children, young people and families

Swing Services




Child Adolescent Mental Health Services. 

For children displaying extreme anxiety or you have significant concerns about you child's well being.

If you have concerns about your child's mental health there is a  24/7 mental health telephone line in the first instance, rather than going to A&E. This is a Free phone number

0800 008 6516.

Understanding Your Child



Online Parenting Course 

FREE course for all Walsall residents, from from Walsall Families Information Service

Click here to download details