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Cooper and Jordan Church of England Voluntary Aided Endowed School

Forest Schools


Subject Lead : Mrs Barrington-Brookes 


Fun facts about Mrs B-B

  • I am a grade 8 flautist and play the piano too. This was the subject I studied whilst at University.
  • I am a competent swimmer and used to be part of the Walsall Artistic Swimming Team - competing in many competitions and performing in several shows over the years.  I also received the endeavour trophy, which is displayed in a cabinet at Walsall Gala Baths.
  • I love all sorts of animals. However, a favourite of mine are giraffes - so much so, that I had the opportunity of being a zookeeper for the day; looking after the Giraffes at Chester Zoo.
  • My love of the outdoors has steered me into training for a new qualification - as a Forest School leader. I’ve completed my first part of my training and look forward to sharing my love for the environment and outdoors with children of all ages.
  • I am passionate about teaching and love to see children succeed in every way.
What is Forest School?
"Forest School is a child-centred inspirational learning process, that offers
opportunities for holistic growth through regular sessions. It is a long-term
programme that supports play, exploration and supported risk taking. It
develops confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired,
hands-on experiences in a natural setting. " The Forest School Association.
Forest School uses a holistic curriculum which focuses on the needs of its
participants. It endeavours to develop a child holistically by fostering their
psychological, emotional, moral, spiritual, and physical growth. Some of the
goals of the holistic curriculum are to cultivate a love for lifelong learning
and facilitating connection with others in society (as well as the natural
Being outside with nature, offers great opportunities for growth and
development and the Forest School practitioner produces lesson plans that
build on what the environment which it already supplies. At the end of each
session the participants take part in a reflective, review process which helps
creates self-awareness' and conscious growth.
Exploratory learning allows individuals to take controlled risks, builds inner
confidence, determination and self-esteem. In addition, Forest School
encourages independent and creative learners because of its supportive,
equal and holistic approach. It allows its client group to believe that they can
create their own learning, follow their own interests and become
Nature provides Forest Schools with the rich, diverse activities and
opportunities for learning, so environmental identity and sustainability are
central to all that takes place. Moreover, participants learn how to support
and nurture eco-systems; how to sustainably manage woodland areas;
name and identify local flora and fauna and develop a deep rooted
connection, respect for the environment and the natural world that are
intrinsically part of.
At Cooper and Jordan, the sessions will always be varied in form and content, as it will be adapted to
suit the learner, season, weather and emotions of the group. The
everchanging pattern of the natural world will be celebrated, thus making
each Forest School session magical and full of exploration and discovery.
With every new experience, the participants will be given the opportunity to
choose activities, lead their own learning and follow their own interests -
making each Forest School encounter all about their discovery.